Studies indicate that two-thirds of people who have suffered from depression face repercussions at work or while applying for new jobs. The World Health Organization estimates that India will suffer economic losses amounting to more than a trillion dollars from mental health conditions between 2012 and 2030. The stigmas attached to mental illnesses ensure that people sweep things under the rug and suffer quietly instead of seeking help. Studies show that 71% of Indians still use terminology associated with stigma and prejudice to describe mental illnesses.
We at Unleash Possibilities address this problem by providing different kinds of services from counselling to coaching to other EAP programs such as awareness workshops on mental health, coping strategies, dedicated helplines for your employees.
We believe that, the mental well-being of your employees is very crucial. Their sense of worth and stress levels go hand in hand with overall productivity and performance. Therefore, creating a positive working environment for your employees will enhance their personal development, reducing unnecessary tension, conflicts and negativity within the workplace.
Employee Counselling
We offer both Individual Counselling as well as Group Counselling Programs to our clientele. Our counselling sessions are given at client site, online sessions and tele-counselling sessions designed to meet different needs.
Coaching for Performance
Coaching is more future focused and goal oriented where we act as guides to motivate managers and leaders to achieve their objectives and aspirations.
Emotional Wellness Workshops
Our Emotional Wellness Program has a series of workshops that are customized to help you optimise your emotional and mental wellbeing thereby dramatically improving your quality of life.
Employee Assistance Program
Our EAP services help your workforce overcome life challenges and bring their best every day. We provide dedicated phone counseling, face-to-face counseling and a suite of additional services to help your employees stay happy and healthy.